Contact Us
- The Owner's Manual. 5517 Craig Ave. Kenner, LA 70065
- Call back hours : Monday - Friday 6PM CST - 9PM CST
You must be a current member of The Owner’s Manual in order to place an ad on the web or in the newsletter.
Interval Calendar : Click here.
New advertising cost go into effect May 1st 2022.
$10 web set up free
$12/Month – Three month minimum.
What do you get as an advertiser?
Membership must be up to date prior to ad placement.
Advertisement web costs: Web ad cost is a setup charge of $10.00 per submittal, plus a monthly charge of $12.00 per interval week per resort listing section or villa advertised with a three-month minimum request. Once a web ad expires, a new setup charge will be incurred. You can however notify us before your ad expired to extend your ad to avoid a new set up charge.
Tips : Consider adding the cost of your membership and advertisement to the pricing of your rental.
Adding OBO (Or best offer) draw renters who are looking to haggle a deal for your unit.
Advertisements are loaded to the web 6pm CST- 9PM CST – Monday through Friday
Web three month minimum: The minimum for advertisement placements is three months. If you are not specific with ad placements in the form on e-mails. The default month coverage will be three months. It is up to the customer to let us know if they need to extend the coverage.
We do not do one-month advertisement placements.
Once on the web you are required to pay the three-month minimum regardless if the ad as been up for 5 minutes or one week.
We do not take advanced ad web placement. You cannot request a future date for your ad to be placed.
Note: If you are canceling a week. You cannot remove one week and replace it with another new week that was not previously in the ad. It will be considered a new ad and will have to be charged as such.
Advertisers requesting “Continued Quarterly Billing” will be responsible for payment in full for all Newsletter and Web posting unless a written notification is received before issue deadlines.
All new ads, changes, and cancellations must be received via e-mail. Ads or ad changes/cancellations will not be accepted over the phone.
Resort Abbreviations
TRC The Royal Cancun (former VCI)
RI Royal Islander
RS Royal Sands
RH Royal Haciendas
GR Grand Residences
RR Royal Reef, Cayman
PEL Pelican, St. Maarten
SA Sea Aquarium, Curacao
Other Abbreviations
LV Lagoon View
OV Ocean View
PV Pool View
GV Garden View
BV Beach View
BF Beachfront
PH Penthouse
GF Ground Floor
GL Ground Level
#F Floor Number
OBO Or Best Offer
By using The Owner’s Manual Ad Placement Calendar found below, you will be able to find the dates you wish to find or advertise. By looking to the left of the date you will be able to find the week number that matches the date.
The Owner’s Manual Ad Placement Calendar:
The Royal Sands
The Royal Cancun
The Royal Haciendas
Weekly interval calendar 2015-2020
The Royal Islander
Weekly interval calendar 2016-2023
The Owner’s Manual is not responsible for sales or rentals that have gone awry, loss of revenue, damages to your villa, or exchanges which do not work out to your satisfaction. This publication is only a newsletter to provide information about Cancun. It does offer a place where you can advertise or use the information provided at your own risk.