Week 1
Week 2

Week 3

Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

Week 7
Wanted : Wk. 7, RH. E-mail : dzsurtudo@gmail.com

Week 8

Week 9

Week 11
Wanted: Wks. 11 & 12 (2022) suite at RI or lock off at RH. E-mail: botsy76@yahoo.com

Week 12
Wanted: Wks. 11 & 12 (2022) suite at RI or lock off at RH. E-mail: botsy76@yahoo.com
Week 13
Want to RentTRC (VCI) Wk. 13 (3/28-4/4/15) “C unit ” 2 bdrm, 2 bath master suite.  Call (206) 440-9209 E-mail: moomc52@gmail.com
Week 14
Week 15
Week 18
Week 19
Week 21
Week 22
[Wanted] Wk. 22. lock off room at the Royal Islander Will consider Royal Sands, Royal Hacienda, Royal Cancún. May 29, 2021 through June 5, 2021. Email Address: abzemail-web@yahoo.com

Week 25
[Wanted] Wk. 25 (2022), RS, Would like to rent two full Villas. Call Kelly (606) 269-8880 E-mail: kellyshoffner@gmail.com

Week 26
Want to buy: Wk. 26, RI, entire villa and annual share. Might be interested in other weeks as well. Contact James e-mail: jim5280@gmail.com
Week 28
Week 34

Week 46
Want to Rent : Wk. 46 (2022), RS, Phase 1, Entire Villa. Please call or text AJ (312) 593-7782

WANTED : Wks. 46, 47, or 48, RS, BF, GF. Call (504) 491-7712

Week 50
Week 51
Want to Rent, Wks. 51 & 52 (Dec. 24 – Jan. 7), RC, B-404, Villa. Call (248) 310-0036 or E-mail: judithsiegel@comcast.net
Week 52

Wanted: Wk. 52, Royal Sands or Royal Islander Lockoff. Cathy (602) 741-1819 E-mail: cforney1@aol.com

Wanted: Week 52 TRC (VCI), “C unit” PV or OV. E-mail: cieplaks@gmail.com

Resort Abbreviations
TRC   The Royal Cancun (former VCI)
RI      Royal Islander
RS     Royal Sands
RH    Royal Haciendas
GR    Grand Residences
RR    Royal Reef, Cayman
PEL  Pelican, St. Maarten
SA     Sea Aquarium, Curacao

Other Abbreviations
LV       Lagoon View
OV      Ocean View
PV       Pool View
GV       Garden View
BV       Beach View
BF       Beachfront
PH       Penthouse
GF       Ground Floor
GL       Ground Level
#F       Floor Number
OBO   Or Best Offer